NOTES: opened Jan. 1st, 2021
Pet Cremation (PC)
Storage Units FOR SALE (ST)
Key to MENU below in Pink:
RL - Riding Lessons (closed Jan. 2017)
TR- Trail-rides...(closed Jan. 2017)
EQ - Equestrian Therapy
CM - Corn-Maze
PC - Pet Cremation
ST - Storage Units FOR SALE
Borrowing Freedom, LLC.
Same location as Pet Cremations, LLC.
Home to "Alle Lok" aka: "All Happiness"
Barn name: HAPPY! FOR SALE - $30,000
9 yr old Registered Friesian mare
Tracie & Bob Lytle
440 Lytle Road; Glen Richey, PA 16837
(814) 762-0020
Click on photo icons ABOVE to go to all our pages:
1: (Rainbow bridge) Pet Cremation Website
2: Picture of Tracie & Rusty : Personal PUBLIC FB Page
3: Romeo in his Cowboy get-up - Romeo's Foals FB Page
4: 1.pet.at.a.time.cremation -- Pet Cremations, LLC FB Page
5. Tony the movie star pony w/grand-kids - Borrowing Freedom FB Page
THE PAST... (2004-2017)
Hi Folks, I'm sorry we no longer offer Trail- Rides, riding Lessons, or Equestrian therapy, owner rides for fun now and we are keeping busy with our new adventure doing PET CREMATIONS. We wanted to share with you all, pictures of the past 16-17 years when we did do the horse business. We still OFFER THE CORN MAZE! For the past few years, either the weather or the deer was an issue of us not having the corn maze, we are hoping for 2023 to be a successful year for the corn maze, If you are a business and would like to advertise with us please get a hold of me, we book advertisers in April/May of the corn maze, look for flyers of corn maze dates!!