NOTES: opened Jan. 1st, 2021
Pet Cremation (PC)
Storage Units FOR SALE (ST)
Key to MENU below in Pink:
RL - Riding Lessons (closed Jan. 2017)
TR- Trail-rides...(closed Jan. 2017)
EQ - Equestrian Therapy
CM - Corn-Maze
PC - Pet Cremation
ST - Storage Units FOR SALE
Borrowing Freedom, LLC.
Same location as Pet Cremations, LLC.
Home to "Alle Lok" aka: "All Happiness"
Barn name: HAPPY! FOR SALE - $30,000
9 yr old Registered Friesian mare
Tracie & Bob Lytle
440 Lytle Road; Glen Richey, PA 16837
(814) 762-0020
Click on photo icons ABOVE to go to all our pages:
1: (Rainbow bridge) Pet Cremation Website
2: Picture of Tracie & Rusty : Personal PUBLIC FB Page
3: Romeo in his Cowboy get-up - Romeo's Foals FB Page
4: 1.pet.at.a.time.cremation -- Pet Cremations, LLC FB Page
5. Tony the movie star pony w/grand-kids - Borrowing Freedom FB Page

The Heart-Breaker Romeo - "SOLD"
I no longer own him, but I still BRED my mares via artificial insemination (AI). Romeos semen is for Sale, I am NOT breeding any longer. In June 2023...We had 2 foals born via AI and both are available for sale (Oct/Nov 2023)
Pictured below...first top 3 pictures are Romeo and his sire and dam, and
below them is the... "The Heart-Breaker Romeo" foals...
Heart-Breaker Romeo
DOB: 4/29/2009
A/a - E/e - t/t - n/Cr
PSSM1 - Negative
* * * * * * *
Clononeen Mull of Kintyre
AKA: Villa Vanner Romeo
* * * * * * *
West Selt Siofra
* * * * * * * * *
Romeo's Height: 13H
* * * * * * * * *
Stud/book Fee: $1,500.00
for Gypsies
Discount for multiple gypsy mares of same farm $800 each
additional mare
* * * * * * * * *
Stud/book Fee: $1,000.00
for NON-Gypsies
Discount for multiple NON-gypsy mares of same farm $850 each additional mare
Booking fee: 250.00/each mare
* * * * * * * * *

Pictured here is the painting of Romeo that I won from Donald Pavlca from a Facebook contest. He did an awesome job!!.

The Heart-Breaker Romeo's Dam

SOLD - Romeo Artificial Insemination is available; contact Tracie

The Heart-Breaker Romeo's Sire -- AKA: Villa Vanner Romeo

The Heart Breaker Romeo x Freedom (Rocky Mountain Cross) = Rusty! DOB: July 13, 2017 Registered

Mare - 1/2 gypsy -1/2 pony DOB: April 28th, 2019 Romeo X Daisy (Pony mare)

Romeo x Precious (DOB: June 18th, 2023) Full Gypsy Colt

Romeo x Raven (DOB: June 3rd, 2023) Filly

The Heart-Breaker Romeo x Honey (Halflinger) = Hershey; DOB: 6/2/2017

REGISTERED -Gypsy/Appy cross. - The Heart-Breaker Romeo x Smokey = Velvet. DOB: 5/10/2018.

"The Heart-Breaker Romeo x Willow (Arabian Cross) - DOB: April 2016

The Heart-Breaker Romeo x Freedom - Lil' Roy - DOB: April 2016

The Heart-Breaker Romeo x Rosie (Morgan Cross). (DOB: May - 2015

The Heart-Breaker Romeo x Cillbarra Rikki

The Heart-Breaker Romeo x Chickabee = "Ritzi Fritz"

The Heart-Breaker Romeo x Pippa

Sire: The Heart-Breaker Romeo

The Heart-Breaker Romeo x Cillbarra Rikki

The Heart-Breaker Romeo x Izzy

The Heart-Breaker Romeo x Saorse

The Heart-Breaker Romeo x Chickabee

The Heart-Breaker Romeo x Clononeen Cottage